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1/4 - Problem Definition

Clear problem definition is important in dealing with complex issues. We explore relevant perspectives to determine the critical elements, key players and obvious system dysfunctions.

We develop a first hypothesis to help define the problem and establish boundaries that delineate the system within which you want to effect change.

How We Do It

We run diagnostic surveys, interviews and desk research. We organise workshops and other approaches to engage stakeholders.

We synthesise inputs to determine key issues and probable boundaries.


2/4 - Map Creation

Systems maps need to be comprehensive, credible and able to capture all angles of the problem.

We build the maps’ basic framework with a systemic structure that gives home and context to all relevant elements. This framework provides a stage on which the narratives are brought to life via animated visual layers and accompanying explanations.

Interactive digital tools engage stakeholder's attention, to help them quickly gain a sophisticated understanding of the issues.

How We Do It

We conduct research, interviews and workshops to gather evidence and build understanding of current system

We compile information and insights to create Nexial maps - visual structure and accompanying written content

We design and produce digital tools - voice over animations, videos and surveys - tailored to specific audiences’ needs.


3/4 - Insight to Action

Systems maps are tools to enable shared understanding, encourage new thinking and commitment to actions.

We help groups to collectively understand how a system works, identify their impact on it, how to improve it, where the leverage points are and who to involve.

In turn, transition from strategy to implementation can be facilitated. The maps can be tailored to engage wider audiences and drive concerted action.

How We Do It

We facilitate engagement activities making use of the maps, from strategic interventions to designing operational plans.

We conduct online surveys using the map platform itself.

We add layers to the maps with new insights, mechanisms of leverage points, links from strategy to operations, action plans, etc.


4/4 - Continuous Improvement

As systems improvements are agreed and implemented, the community expands and a pull for continuous evolution naturally happens.

The map can provide one coherent and interconnected hub, that is intuitive for all to navigate through.

How We Do It

We continuously engage the community to expand the map by actively requesting input from users and promoting relevant content generated.

We update visual and text, adding and curating new research and ideas, capturing new layers and narratives.

Maintain the map content as a strategic knowledge tool, a place to see what's new, who's doing what, latest data, etc.
